Wednesday 25 April 2012

I have to admit, I have been a bit slack in writing about a film I have watched everyday. So I will try and make up for it now. I just finished watching.......This Must Be The Place.

I really really wanted to love this film as I love Sean Penn and Talking Heads but I found my brain dozing off and my mind wandering at various times throughout the film. It's not that the story is boring, but something about the pace and character just didn't grab me, which is a shame as essentially it is a lovely story shot beautifully in some great locations. Sean Penn is good as Cheyenne, the eccentric retired rock star (with full on Robert Smith hair and makeup) living the comfy life in Dublin with his wife, (played by the brilliant Frances McDormand). But it is evident from the outset that Cheyenne is bored with nothing to do to fill his days and after his father passes away, he busies himself by going to try and track down his father's Nazi humiliator who is hiding in America. Even with this serious subject matter, the film keeps it's laidback tone and humour. Other themes and metaphors are evident throughout the story and it is obvious that by the end Cheyenne will have grown as a person. I think this film will have mixed responses, some people will love it for its individuality while others will hate it. I am in the middle, but if Sean Penn wasn't the star, I might not be so keen.

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